Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

Besides work tonight I have a free day for studying but I figured I have plenty of time to take a break and blog :) So I am going to link up with Jamie and tell ya what I am loving.

I am loving that after Monday, I am done with my Spring semester of school. Lord knows I need a break.

I am loving that today my dad's restaurant is catering for my boyfriend's job. I hope that they like the food and use our place for future events!

I am loving that my blog is in the process of getting a much needed makeover.

I am loving that I have wonderful blog friends that are there for me when I need them.

I am loving sandals! I  have been wanting to go shopping for summer sandals for a while now but I really should be thinking about what to do for my mom for Mother's Day...

Here are a few I found at Forever 21:
Have a wonderful day!


  1. Hooo I'm dreaming about wearing sandals again. It will not be before June I guess!!! Those sandals from F21 are so cute!

    Yay for being almost done with Spring semester! It is exciting!

  2. I have an unhealthy obsession with sandals. I just can't help buyong them, they're so cute! All 3 of the ones you posted are very pretty!

  3. The food was SO gooood! I am pretty sure we will be using y'all again!


I really appreciate your comments! Have a wonderful day :)